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Apple IIc Plus: SmartPort Secrets


I've been actively working on disassembling the Apple IIc Plus firmware in order to find out how its 3.5“ firmware works with the unique hardware of the machine to support the “dumb” 3.5" floppy drives.

A lot of it involves knowing how the 3.5 floppies are formatted at the low-level. The Woz state machine is the basis for operations with both the 3.5 and 5.25 floppies, so there are bound to be similarities between the the low level formats, and there are. In particular, the following are common to both:

  • Address and data prologues
  • Self-sync bytes
  • 6&2 disk bytes (“nibbles”)

The 3.5 Floppy Format

The 3.5 floppy sectors are formatted as follows:

Address Field Data Field

The address field of the 3.5 floppy is as follows

5+ self-syncs $D5 $AA $96 TT SS DD FF KK $DE $AA “off”

Where TT is the low 6 bits of the track, SS is the sector number, DD is the side and upper bit of the track number, and FF is the format specifier (sides+sector interleave), and KK is the checksum.

The data field is:

5 self-syncs $D5 $AA $AD 699 disk bytes KK KK KK KK $DE $AA “off”

In this case, we can see the address and data prologues are the same between the 5.25 and 3.5 formats. The epilogues are defined differently. In we are used to $DE $AA $EB, but instead of $EB we have “off”… this is defined in the official documentation as a “pad byte where the drive electronics were turned off.” Code that reads a 3.5” disk should not assume the byte contains anything useful. In fact, ProDOS ignores this byte even when reading a 5.25 floppy.

Unlike the 5.25 floppy address header, the 3.5 floppy address header is coded in 6&2 format and can be decoded from the standard nibble table.. E.g. if SS contains $96, the address is for sector 0, if it contains $97, the address is for sector 1.

The 5.25 Floppy Format

The disk format we are all used to with the 5 1/4 floppies is well-explained in Beneath Apple DOS. To summarize what a sector header looks like for one:

self-syncs $D5 $AA $96 VV VV TT TT SS SS KK KK $DE $AA $EB

In the case of the 5.25 floppy, the volume, track, and sector are encoded in the 4&4 format - each byte is split into the odd and even bits, interleaved with ones and written to the disk. Decoding involves reading the first byte, shifting it, and ANDing it with the second byte.

What's in an Aux Firmware Bank, Anyway?

Since there is a high degree of code commonality in the main firmware bank of the IIc Plus vs the ROM $4 //c, I've been mostly concentrating on the aux firmware bank, where I found the following code:

; Look for $D5 $AA $96 - Sector address mark
LDD06:  lda     LC0EC                           ; read IWM
        bpl     LDD06                           ; wait for byte
LDD0B:  cmp     #$D5                            ; is it $D5?
        bne     LDD00                           ; nope, go try again (code not shown)
LDD0F:  lda     LC0EC                           ; 
        bpl     LDD0F                           ; 
        cmp     #$AA                            ; 
        bne     LDD0B                           ; 
        ldy     #$03                            ; we are going to get 4 things below
LDD1A:  lda     LC0EC                           ; 
        bpl     LDD1A                           ; 
        cmp     #$96                            ; 
        bne     LDD0B                           ; look for address mark some more
; have address mark, now read the address field.
        sei                                     ; just in case, I guess... it was disabled earlier
        lda     #$00                            ; init checksum
LDD26:  sta     $3B                             ; update checksum
LDD28:  lda     LC0EC                           ; read byte
        bpl     LDD28                           ; wait for it...
        rol     a                               ; ?
        sta     $3E                             ; and save it
LDD30:  lda     LC0EC                           ; next byte
        bpl     LDD30                           ; wait for it...
        and     $3E                             ; ????! wait a second, this looks like 5.25 address data
        sta     LCE04,y                         ; save in MIG RAM
        eor     $3B                             ; update checksum
        dey                                     ; next 2 bytes, it seems...
        bpl     LDD26                           ; if not done, read next pair
        tay                                     ; should be 0 if we processed checksum
        bne     LDCE7                           ; if not, I/O error

Note my comments reflecting my surprise at finding this buried in the Apple IIc Plus firmware. This is code that clearly reads the 4 values from the address field of a 5.25 floppy. But why is it here? I left that question in my head as I continued disassembly.

Things that Lurk in the ROM

Later on, I found this in the shared SmartPort/ProDOS block device code:

LE3DF:  stz     LCE0E                           ; clear this in MIG page 0
        tay                                     ; move unit number to Y
        cmp     #$05                            ; 
        bcs     LE3FB                           ; if 5 or bigger...
        lda     $07F8                           ; slot $Cn was put here
        cmp     #$C6                            ; is slot 6?
        beq     LE404                           ; treat this one differently

Okay, that's very interesting. The SmartPort code clearly expects and special cases a reference to slot 6, which as we know is used for 5.25 floppies in the IIc Plus (and //c).

Well, time to go poking around.

Booting Slot 6

On a hunch, I decided to go looking at the boot code for the machine. It starts like this:

LC600:  ldx     #$20                            ; Disk II boot code generally starts this way
        ldy     #$00                            ; Also contains the ID bytes
        stz     $03                             ; The code from here matches the //c
        stz     L003C                           ; which has a limited retry count for boot sector
        lda     #$60                            ; we are at a fixed location, we know this is slot 6
        tax                                     ; 
        stx     $2B                             ; save it the various places boot code expects
        sta     $4F                             ; 
        phy                                     ; 
        lda     LC08E,x                         ; IWM Q7 OFF
        lda     LC08C,x                         ; IWM Q6 OFF - going to read data register
        ply                                     ; 
        lda     LC0EA,y                         ; IWM - select drive 1
        jsr     LC763                           ; IIc Plus has this.... //c does not

So what's at $C763?

LC763:  ldx     #$05                            ; 6 things
LC765:  lda     LC56C,x                         ; Copy from $C56C
        sta     $42,x                           ; To $42
        dex                                     ; 
        bpl     LC765                           ; 
        jsr     LC64E                           ; Call this thing
        eor     #$28                            ; see if A=$28
        bne     LC775                           ; if not, more stuff to do
        rts                                     ; otherwise, exit
LC775:  bit     LC0E9                           ; IWM - turn on drive motor
        lda     #$01                            ; 
        sta     $42                             ; 
        jmp     LC58E                           ; go do more stuff

Hmmm… normally when you write 6 bytes to $42, you are setting up a “ProDOS Intelligent Disk Controller” call as specified in the [[|ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual].

So what's at $C56C? $FF $60 $00 $08 $00 $00

Well, that's kind of odd but if it were a block driver call, the command would be $FF (undefined), unit for slot 6, drive 1, buffer $0800, block 0. I guess we'll have to see what the code at $C64E does:

LC64E:  sec                                     ; 
        bcs     LC652                           ; 
        clc                                     ; 
LC652:  jmp     LC567                           ; more stuff to do
LC567:  lda     #$C6                            ; a slot 6 reference
        jmp     LC510                           ; Now *this* is interesting

So I know that $C510 is part of the slot 5 SmartPort/Block Device code… so I will give the context before $C510:

        sec                                     ; this is the "Intelligent Disk Device" entry point
        bcs     LC50E                           ; 
        clc                                     ; this is the SmartPort entry point
LC50E:  lda     #$C5                            ; a slot 5 reference
LC510:  sta     $07F8                           ; save in screen hole
        lda     #$81                            ; save the language card state
        bit     LC012                           ; to be restore later with accesses to $C000,X
        bpl     LC523                           ; 
        lda     #$8B                            ; 
        bit     LC011                           ; 
        bpl     LC523                           ; 
        lda     #$83                            ; 
LC523:  tax                                     ; 
        bit     LC089                           ; make sure ROM is present
        lda     #$00                            ; 
        ror     a                               ; put carry into A (reflecting what entry point was used)
        cld                                     ; no decimals here!
        jsr     LC584                           ; this switches firmware banks and calls implementation
        bit     LC000,x                         ; restore LC state
        bit     LC000,x                         ; 
        lda     $0478                           ; contains error code, if any
        ldx     $04F8                           ; load X from a screen hole
        cmp     #$01                            ; set carry if error
        ora     #$00                            ; Make sure Z flag is set?
        rts                                     ; 

So the code at $C64E calls the slot 5 block device or SmartPort entry points, but sets up the call to look like it's coming from slot 6! This is kind of a big deal.

Now this makes some sense:

LC763:  ldx     #$05                            ; 6 parameter bytes
LC765:  lda     LC56C,x                         ; copy from $C56C
        sta     $42,x                           ; to $42
        dex                                     ; 
        bpl     LC765                           ; 
        jsr     LC64E                           ; call slot 6 ProDOS block device driver
        eor     #$28                            ; see if A=$28, the error code for no device connected
        bne     LC775                           ; if no error, don't exit yet
        rts                                     ; 
LC775:  bit     LC0E9                           ; IWM - turn on drive motor of the unit we just accessed
        lda     #$01                            ; lie and say we did a block device driver read command
        sta     $42                             ; update command in parameter table
        jmp     LC58E                           ; see below

OK, so now we could look at $C58E, but I already know what's there, it's code that's been in every Apple //c: a routine to generate a denibbilizing routine that 5.25 boot sectors expect to be present.

When that returns, we go back to the code in slot 6 that brought us here, that mostly looks like the original //c boot code.

So, about that device command $FF? I suspect it's “go boot that thing if possible”

More to come…