These are the most interesting resources in IIe Startup
These might be Macintosh-side drivers for each of the “cards.”
4608 2336 "SmartPort" 5376 1110 "AppleClock" 24576 300 "IntlKeyDriver" 5632 126 "Slot6" 4352 2038 "MouseCard" 4864 2184 "Modem" 5888 2186 "Printer" 4096 672 "Slinky" 6400 3080 "NetPrint" 5120 39144 "ATLK_Card"
These are the slot-mapped firmware. The ones with only 256 bytes have relocatable firmware. The ones that are 1792 (256*7) bytes have 7 copies of the firmware, each specific to the slot they are installed in. These are not obfuscated.
4608 256 "SmartPort" 5376 256 "AppleClock" 5632 256 "5.25� Disk" 4352 256 "MouseCard" 4864 256 "Modem" 5888 256 "Printer" 4096 1792 "Memory Card" 6400 256 "NetPrint" 5120 1792 "ATLK_Card"
These are the C8 Firmware for the various cards. They are not obfuscated.
4608 2036 "SmartPort" 5376 1 "AppleClock" 4352 428 "MouseCard" 4864 1823 "Modem" 5888 1823 "Printer" 4096 2048 "Memory Card" 6400 1823 "NetPrint" 5120 2048 "ATLK_Card"
ATLK_Card: A quick look shows that this modifies the memory config to switch in one of the PFI banks and then jumps to it.
These have simple XOR obfuscation with the key “DoubleX” (a reference to the card's code name, “Double Exposure”).
After de-obfuscating there is a header that tells the IIe application where to put the firmware within the Card's memory.
Bytes | Use |
0,1 | 6502 Address |
2,3 | Firmware address |
4,5 | Length (less header 6 bytes) |
2606 16390 "A2EMonitorROM" ; 00 c0 00 00 00 00 This is the Apple IIe Enhanced Monitor ROM. Differences from normal (N) enhanced IIe ROM vs card (C) ROM: C000-C0FF: N all $00 C repeating CE 48 CF 4A C280: N $0A, C $0B C287: 10 bytes C292: 6 bytes ~C3F0-C5FF: large sections different C5B7 appears to be a speed-compensated paddle read routine. CB21: 5 bytes E006: N $C4, C: $31 (CPY $20 -> AND ($20),Y) F778: 15 bytes (except 377C), C: $60 followed by all $00 F8CF: N $00, C: $EA FA78: N $B4 $FB $EA $AD C $CE $FE $EA $2C FAB4: N $A9 $C8 C $02 $02 FAC0: N $C9 $C0 C $02 $03 FAD5: N $00 $00 C $EA $EA FB1E: 17 bytes except 3B20, patch to PREAD to go to Int CX ROM $C5B7 FB63: N $A0 $09 C $02 $04 FBBE: N $00, C: $03 FBDD: 5 bytes FC7A: 27 bytes - patch to "IRQ Sniffer for Video Code" to essentially remove the IRQ sniffing FCC9: 9 byte (C: all $60 RTS) - write tape header RTSed away FD78: N $C9 $95 C $02 $06 FECD: 10 bytes, start with $60 RTS Tape write routine. FECE=short routine to set CPU speed to option panel speed at cold start. FEFD: 13 bytes, start with $60 RTS, tape read replacement doesn't appear to be code. 2607 108 "D1 NMI-IRQ Rcvr" ; 00 d0 00 50 66 00 The bank D1 IRQ and NMI handler code. 2608 108 "D2 NMI-IRQ Rcvr" ; 00 d0 00 90 66 00 The bank D2 IRQ and NMI handler code. 2609 429 "D1 INTCX" ; fa c3 fa 43 a7 01 2610 429 "D2 INTCX" ; fa c3 fa 83 a7 01 2611 12 "D1 Vectors" ; fa ff fa 7f 06 00 These are the 6502 hardware vectors in bank D1: 00 d0 62 fa 03 d0 NMI=$d000 RESET=$fa62 IRQ/BRK=$d003 The NMI and IRQ vectors are within the space of the handlers mentioned above. 2612 12 "D2 Vectors" ; fa ff fa bf 06 00 These are the 6502 hardware vectors in bank D2: 00 d0 62 fa 03 d0 same discussion as above 5632 2042 "5.25� Disk" ; 00 c8 00 f0 00 08 5120 9478 "PFI Bank 0" ; 00 d4 00 54 00 25 ProDOS Filing Interface. Actually loads in bank D1. 5121 9478 "PFI Bank 1" ; 00 d4 00 94 00 25 ProDOS Filing Interface. Actually loads in bank D2. completely different than the bank 0 code above.
Load address tables for 'Monx':
Name | Bank | 6502 Start | 6502 End | Load Addr |
A2EMonitorROM | Main | $C000 | $FFFF | $0000 |
D1 INTCX | D1 | $C3FA | $C5A0 | $43FA |
D1 NMI-IRQ Rcvr | D1 | $D000 | $D065 | $5000 |
PFI Bank 0 | D1 | $D400 | $F8FF | $5400 |
D1 Vectors | D1 | $FFFA | $FFFF | $7FFA |
D2 INTCX | D2 | $C3FA | $C5A0 | $83FA |
D2 NMI-IRQ Rcvr | D2 | $D000 | $D065 | $9000 |
PFI Bank 1 | D2 | $D400 | $F8FF | $9400 |
D2 Vectors | D2 | $FFFA | $FFFF | $BFFA |
5.25 Disk | * | $C800 | $CFFF | $F000 |
* This appears in the shared C8 space after the 5.25 controller slot ROM is accessed.
Memory Map of the “ROM” portion of the 256K Card RAM
Bank | Load Address Range |
Main | $0000-$3FFF |
D1 | $4000-$7FFF |
D2 | $8000-$BFFF |
Slot ROM, probably | $C000-$FFFF |
These contain the Workstation Card Boot Blocks.
5120 35243 "Apple //e Boot Blocks"
ImageWriter Emulator 1.4 PostScript file
1810 29154 "NetPrint"