MG's Apple II Site
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Gemini vs Mega II
MG's Articles
Apple IIc Plus, ROM 5X, and Merlin
Apple IIc Plus: SmartPort Secrets
MG's Tech Notes
MG's 65816 Tech Notes
A Summary of 65816 Addressing Modes
Apple II AppleTalk
Apple IIgs Network Boot Process
AppleTalk and Time
AppleTalk Undocumented Functionality
Workstation Card Tech Notes
MG's Apple //c and IIc Plus Tech Notes
Apple IIc Plus Accelerator
Apple //c and IIc Plus Firmware Banking
Apple //c and IIc Plus Firmware Bugs
Apple IIc Plus MIG Chip
Apple IIc Plus Secret Disk II SmartPort
CC65 Suite Tips and Tricks
ca65 - macros for MPW IIgs-style String Handling
ca65 - Dum/Dsect/Dend Macros
MG's Apple CP/M Notes
Apple II CP/M Hardware and OSes
Softcard CP/M Reference
General Apple II Technical Info
MG's Hardware Probing Guide
Apple II I/O Page
Apple II Memory Map
MG's Apple //e Card Tech Notes
LC //e Card - AppleTalk Notes
LC //e Card - Control+Open Apple+Reset
LC //e Card - Memory / Firmware Notes
LC //e Card - IIe Startup Resources
LC //e Card - I/O Addresses
LC //e Card - Mac-side Interface
LC //e Card - Problematic Software
LC //e Card - SmartPort
LC //e Card - Things That Make You Go Boom!
LC //e Card - Weird Stuff: Opcode $02
Old and Outdated Pages
ProDOS 2.4.1 Fixes for Apple //e Card
Updated AppleShare Apple II Boot Blocks
MG's Davex Fixes and Utilities
MG's Apple ][ EhBASIC Port
Miscellaneous Projects, Demos, and Tests
NetBoot LC
Other Apple II AppleShare/AppleTalk Updates
RamFactor LC
ROM 4X and 5X
Formatting Syntax
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Apple II Documentation Links
Interesting Items
Other Interesting Sites
MG's Tech Notes
MG's Tech Notes
MG's 65816 Tech Notes
A Summary of 65816 Addressing Modes
Apple II AppleTalk
Apple IIgs Network Boot Process
AppleTalk and Time
AppleTalk Undocumented Functionality
Workstation Card Tech Notes
MG's Apple //c and IIc Plus Tech Notes
Apple IIc Plus Accelerator
Apple //c and IIc Plus Firmware Banking
Apple //c and IIc Plus Firmware Bugs
Apple IIc Plus MIG Chip
Apple IIc Plus Secret Disk II SmartPort
CC65 Suite Tips and Tricks
ca65 - macros for MPW IIgs-style String Handling
ca65 - Dum/Dsect/Dend Macros
MG's Apple CP/M Notes
Apple II CP/M Hardware and OSes
Softcard CP/M Reference
General Apple II Technical Info
MG's Hardware Probing Guide
Apple II I/O Page
Apple II Memory Map
MG's Apple //e Card Tech Notes
LC //e Card - AppleTalk Notes
LC //e Card - Control+Open Apple+Reset
LC //e Card - Memory / Firmware Notes
LC //e Card - IIe Startup Resources
LC //e Card - I/O Addresses
LC //e Card - Mac-side Interface
LC //e Card - Problematic Software
LC //e Card - SmartPort
LC //e Card - Things That Make You Go Boom!
LC //e Card - Weird Stuff: Opcode $02
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